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Our translators

Our translators are all native Vietnamese and native English speakers, having education and professional experience in their areas of expertise, remaining current with their native language, having in-depth knowledge of English and Vietnamese languages and cultures. Our translator education, skills and experience may include:

Our translators are certified by the following organizations:

            American Translator Association (ATA)

            National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI)

            Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators Incorporated (AUSIT)

We assign a core team to each of client project consisting of a Vietnamese translator and proofreader for English – Vietnamese translation projects and an additional native-English reviewer for Vietnamese – English translation projects. Other team members assist us with desktop publishing, quality assurance and backup to satisfy all of our client needs with our quality, consistent and timely services.

Meet our lead translator

Our Lead Translator, Hang Nguyen-Padfield, was educated in her native  Vietnam. She is a certified active member of the American Translators Association. Hang has obtained the Bachelor of Economics with a major in Translation and Interpretation from Foreign Trade University, one of the most highly accredited schools in Vietnam. She also holds the Master’s Degree in Translation Studies from the University of Birmingham. She has extensive education and experience in translation and interpretation. She works with speed and accuracy enabling her to meet challenging deadlines. Hang has been immersed in both the Vietnamese and American cultures enabling her to provide quality translation products suitable for audiences in the both US and Vietnam. All of these attributes combined with her diligence in addressing customer needs make her ideally suited as a publication-quality translator.

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